What our customer are saying

〇 Company Name : NIPPPON STEEL CORPORATION Nagoya factory

〇 Safety Simulators installed :

・ACSEL 1010  Rotating(Multiple) Jamming Accident Simulator

・ACSEL 3010  Solvent Explosion Simulator

・ACSEL 5160  Human Body Impact Accident Simulator

〇 Why did you install ACSEL Safety Simulators?

Our company, NIPPON STEEL CORPOLATION, has been making a greater effort in Workplace Safety Activities and Safety Education for our employees.

But we wondered whether traditional Paper based training methods were effective, as they could not replicate the impact of industrial accidents and the trainees could only rely on their own imaginations.

So, we installed ACSEL Safety Simulators to improve trainee’s workplace Sensitivity

for Safety and Prediction for accidents in a more realistic and hands on environment.

〇 Who attends your training center ?

All our company employees attend training sessions, but we pay special attention to those who are new or have been with the company less than 2 years.

〇 What do you think of effectiveness of using Safety Simulators?

As we can’t safely reproduce workplace accidents using our own machines or equipment, we have thought it is very useful to use these machines for Safety training and awareness.

Through training with the simulators, trainees can experience things like loud explosion sounds, which are much stronger than predicted, providing a realistic safety training environment.

Pulling power, and Impact power can be displayed on a digital panel giving the trainees a clear indication of potential workplace danger

Through this, trainees realize how, until now, they have been careless about the prediction of workplace accidents and learn the importance of Safety awareness.

Asia Create Co., Ltd
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Safety Simulator

Training Center

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