Safety experience Training Machine

A Safety experience Training Machine is a device which allows people to simulate onsite labor accidents. The device reproduces realistic dangerous situations to improve the awareness of safety and serve as safety measures and guidance.

It is designed to train operators’ risk detection skills and prevent labor accidents by providing them chances to experience how frightening an accident can be using actual equipment, while it is hard for them to understand that through safety lectures.

Safety Simulator Lineup

Here are some examples of the Safety experience Training Machines that we designed.
Each product is our original since we produce equipment to meet the onsite conditions of each customer.

Vee Belt Jamming Accident Simulator

Vee Belt Jamming Accident Simulator [ACSEL 1020]

It is a device to simulate a jamming accident by inserting a foreign matter such as a disposal wooden chopstick between a Vee belt and a pulley, and allow people to experience the shock from jamming.


Circular Cutting Blade Simulator [ACSEL 5100]


Unsteady Stepladder Accident Simulator

Unsteady Stepladder Accident Simulator [ACSEL 5050]

This simulator allows the worker to experience the potential dangers of using stepladders in an unsafe manner.

Pointing and Calling Procedure Simulator

Pointing and Calling Procedure Simulator [ACSEL 5010 5020]

The device allows people to experience the effectiveness of pointing and calling procedure by showing the differences in the accuracy ratios when operation is conducted with/without the pointing and calling procedure.

Manual drive Belt conveyor Jamming Accident Simulator

Manual drive Belt conveyor Jamming Accident Simulator [ACSEL 1030]

This simulator lets you experience “getting caught up” in the various drive components of a belt conveyor. This unit can also be used for training to predict the risk of danger associated with drive components.

Air control & Circuit trouble training Device [ACSEL6010]


Dropping Impact Measurement Simulator [ACSEL 5150]

This simulator measures the impact when you fall from height.Looking at the number readout of the impact, and

Elevated Workplace Accident Simulator

Elevated Workplace Accident Simulator [ACSEL 5060]

This elevated platform allows the worker to learn the benefits of using a sagety harness correcthly.
The top bar is ajustable to demonstrate how it affects worker sagety at differing levels.

VR & Roller Jamming Accident Simulator [ACSEL 1101]



Bench Drill Jamming Accident Simulator [ACSEL 1140]


For more Training Machine

Inquiries related to the introduction of Safety Simulators

Total support from planning/designing phase!

We plan, design and manufacture Safety experience Training Machines which satisfy the needs of customers and the requirements of their sites. Please feel free to contact us.

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Safety Simulator

Training Center

Safety Simulator Lineup

Design, Production & Engineering

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