Company Profile

Message from the CEO

Our company motto is “Always One Step Ahead” reflecting our strong belief that, by being better prepared and aware of workplace hazards, we can potentially avoid them. It’s our mission to foster that attitude in our customers and help to create a more productive and happier workplace for everyone.

Yohei Sato (CEO)

Core ideology

Good Company for Everyone

Companies have several social missions and responsibilities.
Our company shows “Good Company for Everyone” as a management philosophy.
This is simple phrase. But, we can’t reflect it in a short.
There is no goal to create better company.
Becoming of the core of the activities and becoming the main role of corporate development is each employee working who has common beliefs.

Employee has a key to become a good company.

Company Overview

Globally, workplace accidents are a major economic and social issue. In the United States, it is estimated that the cost to industry from these accidents and injuries exceeds 200 million US$ annually, while in the United Kingdom, the overall cost to the economy has been calculated to be nearly 5 billion GBP per year*1.

Asia Create is at the forefront of developing innovative safety simulation technology providing solutions to help combat the economic and social costs of workplace accidents and injury.
Our “ACSEL” Safety Simulator Machine series have been in production since 2005 with more than 65 types of Simulator Machines installed in leading manufacturing companies throughout Japan and exported globally to manufacturing companies throughout South East Asia and the United States of America.

Company History

Various dedicated machines, plant equipment design, manufacture and engineering business.
General Manufacturing
[License Number: Governor of Aichi Prefecture (般-12)第59536号]
1989-Asia Create was established (Plant Design Company)
1993-Establishment of Industrial Machinery Team.
1994-Increased capital to 10million yen.
1998-Establishment of System Control Team.
2000-Acquisition of general manufacturing license
2001-Establishment of Business service Department.
2004-Acquisition of Employment Agency’s license
2005-Development of Safety Simulator
2006-Increased capital to 15million yen.
2012-[Safety Simulator] series sold 100 sets
2013-[Safety Simulator] series sold 200 sets
2013-Relocated to Zoushi-Toyokawa, Aichi
2014-Opening of a Safety Experience Training center.
2014-[Safety Simulator] series sold 300 sets
January acquisition of ISO9001:2008
March [Safety Simulator] series sold 400 sets!
2015-Relesing a Safety Simulator Bland [ACSEL]
November [Safety Simulator] series sold 500 sets!
2016-selected as Aichi Quality and sold 600 sets!

2019-[Safety Simulator] series sold 1300 sets!

Asia Create Co., Ltd
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Safety Simulator

Training Center

Safety Simulator Lineup

Design, Production & Engineering

Company Overview