Tread through Accident


Industrial Safety Belt Simulator [ACSEL 5120]


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Elevated Workplace Accident Simulator

Elevated Workplace Accident Simulator [ACSEL 5060]

This elevated platform allows the worker to learn the benefits of using a sagety harness correcthly.
The top bar is ajustable to demonstrate how it affects worker sagety at differing levels.

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Slipping and Falling Down Simulator

Slipping and Falling Down Simulator [ACSEL 5030]

People walk on this device with handrails and various floor surfaces, and experience the hazard of slipping and falling down.

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Stairway Slipping and Falling Down Simulator

Stairway Slipping and Falling Down Simulator [ACSEL 5040]

This simulator has been designed to let you experience steps with steep gradients both visually and by walking on them, and teaches you about the dangers inherent in stairs. Learn the importance of holding onto handrails.

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Inquiries related to the introduction of Safety Simulators

Total support from planning/designing phase!

We plan, design and manufacture Safety experience Training Machines which satisfy the needs of customers and the requirements of their sites. Please feel free to contact us.

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Safety Simulator

Training Center

Safety Simulator Lineup

Design, Production & Engineering

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